All Your Tree-Removal Questions Answered!
Get Every But of Info You Need About Quotes, Safety, Insurance, Arborists, Councils, Employment Opprtunities & More
(You might even find out who Shane is…)
We understand that you’ve got a lot of information beouncing around your head when it comes to your tree removal project – and it can feel pretty overwhelming! That’s why we’ve put together this handy FAQ page to deal with any of the queries or concerns you have about moving forward with tree services.
Take a look at the list below (and watch the accompanying videos!) to get a bit more familiar with that working with Shane’s Trees might look like. We’ll explain what to look out for with inexperienced arborists (tree loppers) and share some of our best tips for ensuring your tree job is handled safely and effectively every single time.
(There’s also some questions here related to potential employees – so if you’re thinking about joinung our team, that’s a great Idea!)
About Us
Quotes & Extras
Insurance & Arborists
Council Approval
Pricing Structure & Discounts
Phone quote & turnaround Time
Employment Opportunities
Get A Complimentary Fast Quote
One of our friendly team members will get back to you before you can say ‘timber’!
Some factors that might affect your quote…
The size of your tree. Generally, the bigger it is, the longer it takes to remove – and the more space vegetation takes up in our trucks!
Ease of access. Trees around properties with steep embankments are often difficult to load onto vehicles.
Equipment needed. Certain projects require the use of barges, cranes and even helicopters which may be reflectedin your quote.