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Residential Tree Removal

Shanes Trees have been servicing residential and domestic tree removal clients for over 3 decades

Look no further, Shane’s Trees tick all the boxes you are looking for being fully qualified Cert III Arborists, full public liability insurance and over 35+ years of experience make us the obvious choice for tree management.

Leave your details in the form below if you’re interested in a consultation…

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Call us now
(02) 9528 4507



Trees Made Safe
Per Year


35 Years’ Experience




Trees made safe
per year

3 ISO Accreditations

Shane’s Trees are Sydney and Wollongong’s local residential tree services experts, with over 35 years experience. We have the tools and equipment to handle jobs of any scale and can run multiple crews if required. Our tree removal company is fully insured and our Arborist’s are qualified in certificate 3 of Arboriculture.

Our residential tree removal services include:

  • Pruning and removing dead branches and vegetation from around residential structures, such as homes, garages, carports, boat sheds and other residential buildings
  • Complete removal of hazardous or unwanted trees from around the home
  • Conduct tree inspections and provide arborist reports for council tree removal permits or DA approvals etc
  • We will deliver FREE loads of wood chip mulch to residents in the vicinity of a tree removal task
  • Removal of tree stumps via stump grinding
  • Land clearing for development projects
  • Planting and vegetation regeneration

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Get A Complimentary Fast Quote

One of our friendly team members will get back to you before you can say ‘timber’!

Some factors that might affect your quote…

The size of your tree. Generally, the bigger it is, the longer it takes to remove – and the more space vegetation takes up in our trucks!

Ease of access. Trees around properties with steep embankments are often difficult to load onto vehicles.

Equipment needed. Certain projects require the use of barges, cranes and even helicopters which may be reflected in your quote.

    Shanes Trees tree removal quotes
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